domenica, Novembre 24, 2024

Un rivoluzionario spray nasale potrebbe ritardare l’Alzheimer di 10 anni o più?

La malattia di Alzheimer rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide...

Gliocidina: l’antivitamina del cancro cerebrale che non è tossica per le cellule normali

Il glioblastoma è una delle forme più letali di...

Resolving the issue at the “heart”: inflammation and fibrosis in diabetes under the hand of Lipoxin A4

Heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and heart failure...


Un rivoluzionario spray nasale potrebbe ritardare l’Alzheimer di 10 anni o più?

La malattia di Alzheimer rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide mediche del nostro tempo, colpendo milioni di persone in tutto il mondo e imponendo un...

Gliocidina: l’antivitamina del cancro cerebrale che non è tossica per le cellule normali

Il glioblastoma è una delle forme più letali di cancro al cervello ed è noto per la sua resistenza alle terapie standard. Nonostante i...

Resolving the issue at the “heart”: inflammation and fibrosis in diabetes under the hand of Lipoxin A4

Heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and heart failure are the leading killers of people with diabetes, driving a growing global health crisis. Chronic...

Kids and youngs with rising arthritis: the focus is not treatment but early prevention

Arthritis can affect children and adolescents of all races and ethnicities. However, according to the current study estimates for 2017-2021, about 220,000 children and...

Boron: the bio-needed mineral preferring the “feminine” side of biology

Boron is obtained by eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. The daily intake has been estimated between 0.5 and 40...

Climate changes and lungs’ health: the link is getting real risking to “take our breath away”

Viral respiratory infections (VRIs) are the most common infectious diseases causing seasonal epidemics and pandemics. Climate change often affects the transmission of these diseases....

Mental health while “pandeming”: how deep was the burden in HIV people?

The impact of pandemic on people with HIV The COVID-19 pandemic had substantial psychological impacts on the nation and around the world. Certain segments of...

BORIS: the cellular transcription factor will be useful as biomarker and breast cancer vaccine primer?

The transcription factor Brother Regulator Of Imprinted Sites (BORIS), is a member of the testicular cancer antigen (CTA) family. It maps to chromosome number...

Two conferences for the price of one: sharing knowledge and intentions for diabetes and obesity

Metabolic or bariatric surgery results in superior glycemic control, less medication usage and high rates of remission of Type 2 diabetes than medical or...

Brain metastazing is not round-trip: and Interferon shows 1 type of a temper in the process

Several types of cancer are known for metastasizing to the brain, including breast, lung, carcinoma and melanoma. One reason conventional treatments do not work...

Cancer immunotherapy on every possible change toward the route 66: to uproot the enemy once for all

Modern immunotherapies boost the body's own defenses against cancer. They activate killer T cells of the immune system that can specifically recognize and destroy cancer...

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Un rivoluzionario spray nasale potrebbe ritardare l’Alzheimer di 10 anni o più?

La malattia di Alzheimer rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide...

Gliocidina: l’antivitamina del cancro cerebrale che non è tossica per le cellule normali

Il glioblastoma è una delle forme più letali di...

Resolving the issue at the “heart”: inflammation and fibrosis in diabetes under the hand of Lipoxin A4

Heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and heart failure...

Infiammazione cronica silente: la causa sottostante all’anemia cronica dell’anziano

L'invecchiamento è un processo inevitabile che è influenzato dalla...

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