giovedì, Novembre 21, 2024

Infiammazione cronica silente: la causa sottostante all’anemia cronica dell’anziano

L'invecchiamento è un processo inevitabile che è influenzato dalla...

Tag: blood vessels


Niacin paradox on the heart shows off: catabolism reveals potential threats on cardiovascular risk

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a worldwide health problem, with only a tiny proportion of the risk linked to known risk factors. Despite breakthroughs in...

Smart blood thinners on the horizon: shall we drop warfarin, DOACs and their side effects?

Blood clots are a serious health concern affecting millions of people around the world. When left untreated, they can lead to life-threatening conditions such...

Is COVID infection increasing autoimmunity risk? What science has found until now?

COVID-19 has caused unprecedented morbidity and mortality across the globe. The immune protection conferred by SARS-CoV2 vaccines and prior COVID-19 history, coupled with developing...

Atherosclerosis: antibodies on the vessels fight for rupture

Atherosclerosisis the main underlying cause of heart attack and stroke, and is expected to be the leading cause of death in the world from...

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Infiammazione cronica silente: la causa sottostante all’anemia cronica dell’anziano

L'invecchiamento è un processo inevitabile che è influenzato dalla...

I grani antichi: un bene prezioso da rivalutare per i loro benefici sulla salute

I cereali integrali sono una componente fondamentale di una...

Mappatura 3D dei tumori: l’aiuto dell’Intelligenza Artificiale nella biologia del cancro

3D tumor Mmping in cancer biology 3D tumor mapping in...

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