

The good, the ugly and the bad: the face of cholesterol does not change, despite the levels “shoot up”

In clinical practice, HDL-C is considered a "good" form of cholesterol; however, some recent studies have suggested that gene alleles associated with higher HDL-C...

Targeting cholesterol metabolism to fight tuberculosis: are we on the right track?

“The greatest and most dangerous disease and the one that proved fatal to the greatest number, is consumption” (Hyppocrates) Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the...

Statins: they are over-prescribed and prevention goes revised

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are still the leading cause of death worldwide: in 2015 they were responsible for 40% of all deaths. In the last...

Liver cancer: “malignant pathways” are already there in cirrhosis

Liver cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide, claiming 700,000 lives each year. Most cases are discovered too late for a...

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