sabato, Novembre 23, 2024

Un rivoluzionario spray nasale potrebbe ritardare l’Alzheimer di 10 anni o più?

La malattia di Alzheimer rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide...

Gliocidina: l’antivitamina del cancro cerebrale che non è tossica per le cellule normali

Il glioblastoma è una delle forme più letali di...

Resolving the issue at the “heart”: inflammation and fibrosis in diabetes under the hand of Lipoxin A4

Heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and heart failure...

Tag: flavonoids


Artificial food additives and sweeteners: how they mix up gut guests, metabolism and the risk for intestinal cancer

The effects of food additives on gut mucosa have been an area of growing concern and research, given their pervasive use in processed foods...

Expanding the roots or letting them committ: either way metabolism rules tissue “stamina” in good and bad fates

Stem cell proliferation and differentiation Stem cells have garnered significant attention in biomedical research due to their unique capacity for self-renewal and differentiation into various...

Testosterone comes to age: polyphenols and their food sources as possible “virility” boosters

Male hormones and how they are regulated Androgens are produced primarily by Leydig cells in the testes and are vital for the development and maintenance...

Science deals with obesity on the table: sharing pleasures for coffee, tea and cocoa

Obesity and public health There are not only infectious pandemics: obesity has become a significant public health problem worldwide due to its gradually increasing prevalence....

Clinical nutrition: minerals, vitamins and other natural bioactives to treat current medical issues

Introduction Vitamins and trace elements, collectively known as micronutrients, are vital for basic metabolic reactions in the human body. The deficiency of micronutrients or even...

Glutathione: the natural cellular defensor regulated by the diet

Introduction Glutathione (GSH) is a low molecular weight, antioxidant and the most abundant non-protein thiol in mammals, which plays an important role in peroxide detoxification,...

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Un rivoluzionario spray nasale potrebbe ritardare l’Alzheimer di 10 anni o più?

La malattia di Alzheimer rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide...

Gliocidina: l’antivitamina del cancro cerebrale che non è tossica per le cellule normali

Il glioblastoma è una delle forme più letali di...

Resolving the issue at the “heart”: inflammation and fibrosis in diabetes under the hand of Lipoxin A4

Heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and heart failure...

Infiammazione cronica silente: la causa sottostante all’anemia cronica dell’anziano

L'invecchiamento è un processo inevitabile che è influenzato dalla...

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