sabato, Novembre 23, 2024

Un rivoluzionario spray nasale potrebbe ritardare l’Alzheimer di 10 anni o più?

La malattia di Alzheimer rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide...

Gliocidina: l’antivitamina del cancro cerebrale che non è tossica per le cellule normali

Il glioblastoma è una delle forme più letali di...

Resolving the issue at the “heart”: inflammation and fibrosis in diabetes under the hand of Lipoxin A4

Heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and heart failure...

Tag: immune system


Food WEDding with Endometriosis: there is nothing related to the bride, though; rather it’s about house guests and table

Despite being a benign condition, endometriosis causes significant morbidity in affected women, 10% of whom are of reproductive age. Endometriosis is characterized by the...

Levosulpiride: from gut troubles jumping into the neuronal network of anxiety and depression

What is levosulpiride? Levosulpiride is a drug belonging to the class of substituted benzamides and acts primarily as a selective antagonist of dopamine D2 receptors....

Nevertangling story: incoming surprises on where beta-amyloid springs from and what is really cablaging with

New findings from Emory University are challenging existing theories about the origins of Alzheimer's, a leading cause of dementia in older adults worldwide. A...

NEWTrophils an their NETworks: MICL “sparks” from the NETosis to a more C-lective role as an AML biomarker

A major research collaboration, led by the MRC Centre for Medical Mycology at the University of Exeter, has focused on how immune cells sense...

Effetti del fumo sul sistema immunitario (II): la durevolezza degli effetti legata alla metilazione del DNA

Come altri fattori come l’età, il sesso e la genetica, il fumo ha un impatto importante sulle risposte immunitarie. Questa è la scoperta recentemente...

Marrow stem cells enterprising toward aging: a journey among receptors, cytokines, signaling, “fatty” stores and lifestyle

The aging immune system is associated with reduced lymphopoiesis, increased inflammation, and bone marrow diseases due to alterations in self-renewing haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)....

Interleukin (IL) seventeen (17): the streaked shapeshifter of immunity and its diseases

General knowledge on IL-17 IL-17 comprises IL-17A, IL-17B, IL-17C, IL-17D, IL-17E (IL-25), and IL-17F, all of which have related structures. IL-17A, also known as cytotoxic...

Kids and youngs with rising arthritis: the focus is not treatment but early prevention

Arthritis can affect children and adolescents of all races and ethnicities. However, according to the current study estimates for 2017-2021, about 220,000 children and...

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Un rivoluzionario spray nasale potrebbe ritardare l’Alzheimer di 10 anni o più?

La malattia di Alzheimer rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide...

Gliocidina: l’antivitamina del cancro cerebrale che non è tossica per le cellule normali

Il glioblastoma è una delle forme più letali di...

Resolving the issue at the “heart”: inflammation and fibrosis in diabetes under the hand of Lipoxin A4

Heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and heart failure...

Infiammazione cronica silente: la causa sottostante all’anemia cronica dell’anziano

L'invecchiamento è un processo inevitabile che è influenzato dalla...

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