Medicomunicare Magazine

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Medicomunicare Magazine

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giovedì, Gennaio 9, 2025

SAMTOR: the aminoacid naviGATOR making TORC to help cancer cells for their unMET requirements

The mTOR complex (mTORC1) regulates cell growth and metabolism...

Devil’s Claw: ideal for treating pain and inflammation, but there’s more than this

Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a plant native to...
giovedì, Gennaio 9, 2025

Tag: invecchamento


Anti-aging: invecchiare o marcire hanno una connessione “eterea”

Sin dagli albori del tempo, gli umani hanno voluto vivere una vita più lunga. Con il miglioramento della scienza medica, gli esseri umani hanno...

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SAMTOR: the aminoacid naviGATOR making TORC to help cancer cells for their unMET requirements

The mTOR complex (mTORC1) regulates cell growth and metabolism...

Devil’s Claw: ideal for treating pain and inflammation, but there’s more than this

Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a plant native to...

Triptolide and turmeric: the new synergistic combo “will ford” to CUR rheumatoid arthritis

Despite the increasing availability of treatments for rheumatoid arthritis...

Polyphenolic acids: simple natural and available tools to manage autoimmune conditions

What is Ferulic acid? Ferulic acid is a natural phenolic...

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