giovedì, Novembre 21, 2024

Gli isocianati, intermedi industriali molto utili ma pericolosi: esposizione professionale, effetti e regolamentazione

Cosa sono gli isocianati Gli isocianati sono una famiglia di...

Infiammazione cronica silente: la causa sottostante all’anemia cronica dell’anziano

L'invecchiamento è un processo inevitabile che è influenzato dalla...

Tag: lung cancer


Tumor addiction to fat substrates: a FASt metabolic opportunity with no eSCAPe for cancer cells

Rapidly dividing tumor cells require a continuous supply of fatty acids to generate sufficient phospholipids for the stability of their membranes and also for...

Cancer kills by lactate: how cellular junk becomes a signal to acquire more fuel and waste the body to death

Cachexia is a complex metabolic syndrome associated with rapid loss of body weight, mainly loss of fat and lean muscle. Patients with cancer cachexia...

Rare cancers narrowed by another “inib”: clinical trial warrants hope for neuroendocrine tumors

More than 12,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor each year. The tumors begin in neuroendocrine cells – which...

Cancer stem cells: enzyme interplay for a specific target decay

An increase in the incidence and mortality rate of cancer has been noted worldwide, especially for lung cancer. Many patients with lung carcinoma harbor...

Tissue Factor: watching cancer cells dying on TV

A brand new type of cancer drug that acts as a 'Trojan horse' to get inside tumor cells has shown promise in patients with...

Eosino-philia for cancer: the hidden ancient weapon rises up

Eosinophils are white blood cells that secrete powerfully destructive proteins.Major basic protein 1 and 2 (MBP-1, MBP-2), eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), and eosinophil peroxidase...

Lung cancer needs lactate to grow: and protease becomes the gatekeeper

UT Southwestern researchers have found that an enzyme on the surface of some lung cancer cells helps feed the cancer, making it a tempting...

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Infiammazione cronica silente: la causa sottostante all’anemia cronica dell’anziano

L'invecchiamento è un processo inevitabile che è influenzato dalla...

I grani antichi: un bene prezioso da rivalutare per i loro benefici sulla salute

I cereali integrali sono una componente fondamentale di una...

Mappatura 3D dei tumori: l’aiuto dell’Intelligenza Artificiale nella biologia del cancro

3D tumor Mmping in cancer biology 3D tumor mapping in...

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