domenica, Settembre 8, 2024

Sintomi gravi della menopausa ed il loro legame con il declino cognitivo lieve

Introduzione La menopausa è una fase fisiologica nella vita di...

Hepatic progenitor autophagy: to block the pathological liver fibrosis

Liver fibrosis: causes and mechanisms Liver fibrosis is a pathological...

DNA: structure, functions and impact on the human health

DNA: from story to functions DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is...

Tag: nutrition


Are food supplements really useful to strenghten hairs?

There are various external factors that influence the appearance of hair, especially discretionary ones such as cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse between meals which...

Cranberries: a fruity tool to shape microbiota and our health

In a recently published feeding trial in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, scientists investigated the potential protective effect of cranberries on the gut microbiome with...

Puberty: overweight girls might have their own “way to go”

Girls have been experiencing puberty earlier in life for the last 150 years or so, with 12.5 years being the average age girls start...

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Sintomi gravi della menopausa ed il loro legame con il declino cognitivo lieve

Introduzione La menopausa è una fase fisiologica nella vita di...

Hepatic progenitor autophagy: to block the pathological liver fibrosis

Liver fibrosis: causes and mechanisms Liver fibrosis is a pathological...

DNA: structure, functions and impact on the human health

DNA: from story to functions DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is...

Genomic editing technologies: innovations, applications and ethics

History and development of genome editing technologies (GETs) The idea...

Differences between “Elderly” and “Geriatric”: an in-depth analysis

The terms "elderly" and "geriatric" are often used interchangeably...

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