sabato, Novembre 23, 2024

Un rivoluzionario spray nasale potrebbe ritardare l’Alzheimer di 10 anni o più?

La malattia di Alzheimer rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide...

Gliocidina: l’antivitamina del cancro cerebrale che non è tossica per le cellule normali

Il glioblastoma è una delle forme più letali di...

Resolving the issue at the “heart”: inflammation and fibrosis in diabetes under the hand of Lipoxin A4

Heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and heart failure...

Tag: oxidative stress


Glutathione: the natural cellular defensor regulated by the diet

Introduction Glutathione (GSH) is a low molecular weight, antioxidant and the most abundant non-protein thiol in mammals, which plays an important role in peroxide detoxification,...

Multiple sclerosis: endogenous metabolites actually spawned epigenetics

Understanding and mitigating the role of epigenetics (environmental influences that trigger changes in gene expression) in disease development is a major goal of researchers....

Antioxidants: not all of them match for mitochondrial needs

Mitochondria are tiny structures in human and animal cells that produce energy through an integrated series of chemical reactions known as the respiratory chain...

ALS: cellular stressors and basic activity wake up the sick gene

Patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) frequently have a string of repeated DNA code in brain neurons, carrying hundreds to thousands of copies within...

Eosino-philia for cancer: the hidden ancient weapon rises up

Eosinophils are white blood cells that secrete powerfully destructive proteins.Major basic protein 1 and 2 (MBP-1, MBP-2), eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), and eosinophil peroxidase...

Bariatric surgery: how does it shift cellular aging?

Obesity increases the risk of a number of serious conditions, not least, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Being clinically obese also hastens the aging process,...

PCOS: what oxidative stress and markers are trying to tell us?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most frequently observed endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age. Although the figures vary according to diagnostic criteria, its...

Antioxidants: the lovely coffee is second to no one

Everyone likes a good coffee. One reason, perhaps unconscious, is that coffee is potentially the biggest source of antioxidants in the world. The other...

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Un rivoluzionario spray nasale potrebbe ritardare l’Alzheimer di 10 anni o più?

La malattia di Alzheimer rappresenta una delle maggiori sfide...

Gliocidina: l’antivitamina del cancro cerebrale che non è tossica per le cellule normali

Il glioblastoma è una delle forme più letali di...

Resolving the issue at the “heart”: inflammation and fibrosis in diabetes under the hand of Lipoxin A4

Heart conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and heart failure...

Infiammazione cronica silente: la causa sottostante all’anemia cronica dell’anziano

L'invecchiamento è un processo inevitabile che è influenzato dalla...

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