domenica, Settembre 8, 2024

Sintomi gravi della menopausa ed il loro legame con il declino cognitivo lieve

Introduzione La menopausa è una fase fisiologica nella vita di...

Hepatic progenitor autophagy: to block the pathological liver fibrosis

Liver fibrosis: causes and mechanisms Liver fibrosis is a pathological...

DNA: structure, functions and impact on the human health

DNA: from story to functions DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is...

Tag: Parkinson disease


Brain cholesterol in health and disease: molecular threads toward cognition or neurodegeneration

Cholesterol in brain health and disease Cholesterol is found in the cell membranes of all human cells. It plays an integral role in neuronal signaling...

Biologicals to have a lag-3 timelapse from spreading: the new strategy to prevent Parkinson onset

In studies with genetically engineered mice, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have identified a potentially new biological target involving APLP1, a cell surface...

Pesticides and neurological diseases: evidences keep piling up

There have always been doubts about the impact of phytochemicals on both food quality and consumer health. The reasons lie not only in the...

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Sintomi gravi della menopausa ed il loro legame con il declino cognitivo lieve

Introduzione La menopausa è una fase fisiologica nella vita di...

Hepatic progenitor autophagy: to block the pathological liver fibrosis

Liver fibrosis: causes and mechanisms Liver fibrosis is a pathological...

DNA: structure, functions and impact on the human health

DNA: from story to functions DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is...

Genomic editing technologies: innovations, applications and ethics

History and development of genome editing technologies (GETs) The idea...

Differences between “Elderly” and “Geriatric”: an in-depth analysis

The terms "elderly" and "geriatric" are often used interchangeably...

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