

Nutrizione nei tumori: il delicato gioco metabolico di proteine, enzimi e metaboliti che coordina tutte le risposte cellulari

Background Dieta e nutrizione svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella salute umana, con quantità, composizione e qualità della dieta, nonché orari dei pasti, fattori determinanti per...

Preventing breast cancer with naturals: the complete effectiveness though is a matter of cooperation

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and is a serious global health problem. The growth of approximately 70% of breast cancers...

Science deals with obesity on the table: sharing pleasures for coffee, tea and cocoa

Obesity and public health There are not only infectious pandemics: obesity has become a significant public health problem worldwide due to its gradually increasing prevalence....

Clinical nutrition: minerals, vitamins and other natural bioactives to treat current medical issues

Introduction Vitamins and trace elements, collectively known as micronutrients, are vital for basic metabolic reactions in the human body. The deficiency of micronutrients or even...

Glutathione: the natural cellular defensor regulated by the diet

Introduction Glutathione (GSH) is a low molecular weight, antioxidant and the most abundant non-protein thiol in mammals, which plays an important role in peroxide detoxification,...

Functional foods: what to eat to keep the brain in shape every day?

What are functional foods? The functional food sector is increasingly the subject of interest and development. It does not enjoy a real categorization and in...

Mexican cuisine on the spotlights: are its polyphenols good for the general health?

Traditional Mexican cuisine is characterized by polyphenol-rich grains, legumes, tubers, spices, and vegetables. However, the Mexican diet has evolved over the past few decades,...

Cranberries: a fruity tool to shape microbiota and our health

In a recently published feeding trial in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, scientists investigated the potential protective effect of cranberries on the gut microbiome with...

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