
signal transduction

Il recettore che lavora da solo “per farci sentire”: ecco GPR156, “sordo” di base agli stimoli

Nel profondo dell’orecchio interno si trovano la coclea, responsabile della rilevazione del suono, e l’apparato vestibolare, che sovrintende all’equilibrio. Le cellule all'interno di queste...

Marrow stem cells enterprising toward aging: a journey among receptors, cytokines, signaling, “fatty” stores and lifestyle

The aging immune system is associated with reduced lymphopoiesis, increased inflammation, and bone marrow diseases due to alterations in self-renewing haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)....

Il ruolo delle vitamine A, D ed E nei disturbi neuropsichiatrici

Introduzione La salute mentale è una componente integrale ed essenziale della salute umana e uno stile di vita non sano può essere associato a una...

Cancer kills by lactate: how cellular junk becomes a signal to acquire more fuel and waste the body to death

Cachexia is a complex metabolic syndrome associated with rapid loss of body weight, mainly loss of fat and lean muscle. Patients with cancer cachexia...

STAP-1 to transduce the right signal: adaptors and enzyme association to enhance kinases toward cytokine network

A new study has shed light on the importance of the STAP-1 protein in the activation of some immune cells. The study, published in...

Gli effetti della vitamina D sull’invecchiamento: tutto dipende da una buona immunità?

Vitamina D ed effetti sulla salute La vitamina D svolge un ruolo cruciale nella salute delle ossa regolando l’omeostasi del calcio e prevenendo condizioni come...

Tumor suppressor may indeed enhance axon regeneration: oPTENing the door to nerve healing

Glaucoma. Optic neuritis. Trauma of the optic nerve. All of these conditions may irreversibly damage the optic nerve, leading to blindness. Glaucoma alone affects...

Eye melanoma: old inhibitor from coralberry stucks the (G)q for good

An active substance that has been known for 30 years could unexpectedly turn into a ray of hope against eye tumors. This is shown...

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